Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday - Landspacing

Here are two landscapes that I took a picture of at school. I attend Ivy Tech Community College off of Fall Creek and Meridian. I thought these floral layouts looked very nice.

This photo was not taken this week, but about a month ago while I was on vacation at Kelly's Island in the Great Lakes.
I thought it was a very nice lighthouse. I took this photo from the ferry.

This picture was taken while on vacation also. It is a picture of a very large rock formation caused from ice sliding through it. And this is what was formed. Pretty fascinating.


Unknown said...

Nice vacation pics. I especially love the last one, interesting point of view.

1915buffalo said...

Call me crazy, but I liked the rock picture too. Well done.

1915buffalo said...

School, home, kids, a full time job and time for Auto-settings week. Where do you find your energy. You're my hero.